
Whether you enjoy kayaking or paddling, heading into the hills on a mountain bike, tramping, or picnicking, chances are you have taken advantage of irrigation infrastructure. While we often think of our waterways as natural, the reality is many popular water destinations have been modified to support farming and energy production.


Increasingly, irrigation scheme managers are incorporating recreational interests when they design new systems. Community groups have also recognised the unique potential of irrigation canals and storage ponds for fundraising and thrill-seeking activities.

The challenge for people managing irrigation infrastructure is ensuring that holiday-makers and adrenalin junkies can be safely integrated into commercial operations without impeding vital irrigationflows.

Read more about several irrigation schemes working with their communities to provide access to water for activities other than irrigation here.

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Did you know?

Fish screens prevent salmon, trout and native species from entering irrigation canals and pipes by blocking their passage and/or encouraging them to swim away from irrigation intakes.